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Debt relief for entrepreneurs

Debt counseling for entrepreneurs

Are you an entrepreneur with (serious) financial problems? Is it uncertain whether you can continue with your business or have you perhaps quit before or during the corona crisis?

When do you need debt relief?

You need debt assistance in the following situation below.

You have business arrears that you can no longer pay

You are in arrears with the payment of your private fixed costs, such as rent or health insurance

You have many creditors, such as the tax authorities

Your accounting is not in order and you do not have the money to solve this in the short term

Your tax returns have not been submitted on time and you have received automatic assessments.

You are constantly approached by collection agencies and bailiffs.

YOUR creditors threaten to file for bankruptcy.

What are the costs for debt counseling?

The costs for our guidance are usually paid from your business operations, and come from the fixed repayment amount that remains after an amount to be left free (VTLB). You must of course be able to continue to provide for your private maintenance. There are more options, but I can discuss these during a no-obligation intake interview.

Contact now the first call has an advisory tone at no additional cost.

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